How to encourage tooth brushing?
The same ritual every morning and evening. Two children need their teeth brushed. The youngest still finds it interesting, the oldest is rather lazy than tired and finished after seconds.
How can I encourage tooth brushing and teach them right from the start?
Gnawing on the toothbrush
The youngest loves toothbrushes. In the bathroom, she pulls open drawers in search of toothbrushes. With her hands full she puts one toothbrush after the other in her mouth. Not for cleaning but for munching. Chewing on the brushes and then swinging them away through the bathroom.
She can't get enough of it. She also finds it interesting that we brush her teeth. She has little patience for it but she doesn't have to hold it, which makes a difference.
Brushing for ten seconds
The oldest is now over four years old and, with a little help, brushes his teeth himself. The problem, however, is that it forgets half its teeth and runs out of steam after only ten seconds of brushing. Or sir is completely lazy and wants us to do it but even that should only take ten seconds. Well, that doesn't work, of course.
We need to encourage tooth brushing and I want him to learn how to do it right the first time.
Encourage tooth brushing with Flossie
And then there was Flossie. Flossie brought me a nice duo pack, for a boy and a girl. A package with two toothbrushes, toothpaste, hourglasses, reward cards, an instruction booklet, stickers and sticky notes. ‘Mission serious teeth brushing’ could begin.
The instruction booklet explains to children in a fun and recognizable way how they should actually brush their teeth. This way, children from the age of 4 can learn to brush their teeth properly on their own. While brushing, use the hourglass, which allows you to see exactly when the two minutes of brushing are over.
Then you can use the sticky tracers to see if brushing was really good. And then the biggest incentive; putting stickers on the reward cards. One packet of Flossie is enough to last four weeks. After four weeks children should actually be able to clean properly on their own.
We are not there yet but we will see in a few weeks.
In any case, the little guy finds it particularly interesting and funny to use the sticky notes. This makes it clearer to him why brushing his teeth is so important. The stickers also work like a train because sir is quite competitive so if he can win a sticker ‘win’ he will do his best.
Highly recommended!
The packages of Flossie are for sale via the website. A basic package, good for 4 weeks, costs €19.99 and you can find a duo package for €27.99.
Should you encourage your child to brush their teeth?? How to do it?
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